All Job Experiences Listed Below Are Divided Into Two Categories: Retail & Wholesale
Basket down for a customer
Answer customers' questions
Replant, water and space plants on the benches
Reorganize the plants on the benches inside the greenhouse and outside in the perennial yard depending on what my bosses would want
Reconfigure and organize pots that were inside and outside of the greenhouse
Refill spots example would be 3 pink petunias were bought so then I out down 3 pink petunias back down
Practice IPM controls
Working in the crop fields like the cantaloupes and moving vines so when they sprayed for weeds that vines would not get injured on that process
Tending to the cut flower field for more maintenance and for picking
Transplanting behind the tractor
Making potting arrangements
Potting plugs or further along plants like the shrubs that had arrived
Getting trained for pesticides from what it is, how we need to figure out how to use it, how to log it, what PPE is needed, how to apply, how to dispose of the container and if it is empty, and how to dispose of the remaining chemicals, and much more
Water and fertilize my plants that I oversaw
Pinching plants like coleus so then they would shoot more than one section of flowering growth
Drive plants from whole to retail they were usually perennials that went to the perennial yard or the black tarp